Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Journal 6: Interactive WhiteBoards (NETS III & V)

     Interactive whiteboard(IWB) are computers and projectors. The project will project the computers screen onto the display board and using a finger, or pen, etc the user can control the computer. They control things like which button to click, scrolling, and anything you would do on a normal computer. For your computer you must download the software to make it work along with the tool used to control it. It wouldn't work for a normal desktop hooked up to a projector like in our college classrooms.
     After researching more about this tool on the discussion forums on I learned a lot more about what they are and what these boards are being used for in the classrooms. One of the major "likes" of this program is that the teacher is less in front of the students talking at them and more on the sidelines doing guided teaching where the students are at the center of the room using it. Teachers are also using it a lot for interactive games for math and it helps get the students more engaged even when they aren't the ones up at the board. It also helps a lot with the science classes at many schools by being able to search for pictures of things as just one example. Another HUGE factor to consider is that many school districts who have started using IWBs are starting to see increases in the test scores of their students. Really, school should be all about the students and to see them learning more, retaining more, and doing better on tests is very important.
     I learned that some people find they can do the same thing as these IWBs with computers, projectors, and a wireless sketchpad which is a lot cheaper than the IWBs. I also read an argument that with IWBs it is harder to discipline and control the class as well because you don't want to limit the amount of fun the kids are having learning, but there still needs to be limits when they get rowdy. I think some of these arguments against the IWBs are only relative to the people using or not using them. It is all about personal preference.


  1. I think this is a great tool too, especially because of the fact that you mentioned its a great way to practice guided teaching instead. students sometimes need more of guided teaching than anything else to better learn.

  2. I definitely agree that more schools should have interactive whiteboards. From the classrooms I have observed that have these interactive whiteboards, students are more engaged and interested in the material they are learning. I also think it is interesting what you brought out that students who use interactive whiteboards in their classrooms also have higher test scores. This may be the incentive schools need to want to get interactive whiteboards in their classrooms since we are such a "standardized test-happy" society :)

  3. I agree with Kaitlin and Elizabeth that interactive whiteboards are a great idea. I really like the example of being able to use them for Science to show pictures of topics and to enhance lessons.

  4. I've heard of these before and they sound really cool. I think that schools should at least try the cheaper ways of creating interactive boards, because students are so used to using computers now, that older ways of learning need to be updated. I can understand how there would be problems, especially when the boards are brand new, for students to want to treat them like toys and there's the potential for them to get too rowdy. However, once the IWB's got old, the students would probrably learn how to act around them, and the teacher would have better strategies to keep the class under control.

  5. I have heard about this before and never really know what it was. I think it is such a positive tool for technology. I think schools should start to use these. It will also help the student like you said and increase scores. I am a visual learner and I think for those who are, it would really help.

  6. I have to agree with you. It does depend on the person whether they like it or not. Personally I do not think it would bennefit me because i would spend mor etime trying to figure it out them actually using it.

  7. I think that the interactive whiteboards is a great idea. You can use them for different subjects. And great idea to use them for guided teaching. There is just so much we as future teachers will be able to bring to our students. These ideas are great resources.

  8. Great post. I think interactive whiteboards are a great tool to have in the modern classroom. Although I have a funny story with them which i believe is topical. When i wa substituting I had to write some information down on the board for the students. The white board was in my ay so i moved it. All of a sudden the classroom became silent, the students started to go "oooooo, did you get permission to do that?"

    Apparently those boards can be temperamental if moved. For it to work it must be calibrated correctly. So word to the wise. If you see an interactive white board, don't moved it.
